May 5, 2023

The role of women during the 2019 revolutions in Lebanon and Iraq

MEIRSS (Middle East Institute for Research and Strategic Studies), and CFRI – Centre français de recherche sur l’Irak , with the collaboration of the Department D’Histoire-Relations Internationales of […]
August 31, 2020

Power & Politics Behind Humanitarian Mechanisms in Syria

Acknowledgement The Middle East Institute for Research and Strategic Studies is a Lebanese based think tank. The institute seeks to conduct rigorous research and analysis, done […]
February 21, 2020

How Iraqi Pluralism and Intra-Shia Rivalry Thwarts Iranian Intrusion

Introduction In September 2014, Iranian Parliamentarian ʿAlīreżā Zākānī boasted that Sanaa had become the fourth Arab capital in Iran’s possession, joining “the three Arab capitals who […]
January 14, 2020

Iraq’s Protest Movement Amid US-Iranian Military Escalation

1. Background For a few years, various protest movements have shaken Iraq in separate waves. The traditional force to spark the political mobilization among the urban […]
July 31, 2019

The Dilemma of the Return of ISIS Foreign Fighters

With the facilitation of global communication and travels, foreign fighter involvement in conflicts has been steadily rising, notably with the conflicts in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya, Iraq, […]
July 5, 2019

Adapt and Overcome: Hezbollah and PMF’s Response to U.S Sanctions

The Trump administration’s 2018 decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal and the subsequent economic sanctions that the U.S has imposed on Iran has had […]
June 20, 2019

US Recognition of the Golan Heights: A Sign of Things to Come?

On March 21st 2019, after 52 years, President Trump tweeted the fully recognition of Israel over the Golan Heights and considered this decision important for the […]
June 7, 2019

Western Sanctions and their Impact on the Reconstruction of Syria

As the Syrian war enters its 8th year, the Assad regime, backed by Russia and Iran, has regained control of the vital areas of Syria. The […]
December 28, 2018

The Prospects for Autonomy in Rojava

Introduction After eight years of war, the forces of President Bashar al-Asad seem on the verge of winning the conflict in Syria. While Damascus has been […]
November 6, 2018

المجهود الدولي: خطوات نحو حل الأزمة السورية

بعد انتهاء الحرب السورية، سيدرس الباحثون بطريقة معمقة ما جرى خلالها. سيذكر بعضهم المجازر التي نظمها النظام السوري في درعا وحمص وحلب، فيما البعض الآخر سيتخصص […]
October 26, 2018

Turkey’s Battle Against Time and the Conflicting Interests in the Fate of Idlib

The 15th of October marked the deadline proposed by the Sochi agreement to remove all radical terrorist factions from the demilitarized zone, enclosing an envisaged de-escalation […]
October 25, 2018

Iraq’s Compromise: Pivotal but Insufficient in Avoiding a Head on Crisis

Following the May 2018 parliamentary elections, Iraq faced three major political proceedings: the election of the Speaker of the Parliament, the President of the Republic and […]
October 5, 2018

القصير… وتضارب مصالح الأصدقاء – الأعداء في سوريا

تَعكِسُ حادثة القصير بين الشرطة العسكرية الروسية وحزب الله، وبعض الوقائع التي سَبَقتها وتَلَتها، تَعَارُض أهدافِ الأصدقاء – الأعداء على المدى البعيد في سوريا. ويبدو أن […]
July 30, 2018

Lebanese NGO’s coping with the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Lebanon

Abstract This article is driven by an interest to explore the role of local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) that deal with Syrian refugees in Lebanon seeing […]
June 6, 2018

Syria’s Shifting Sands: Demographic Engineering and Refugee Return

When Syrian refugees first began arriving in 2011, Lebanon was welcoming, as it was assumed that the crisis would be brief and that refugees would soon […]
June 2, 2018

القانون 10 والمراسيم السابقة: أداة تغيير ديمغرافي واقتصادي بحجة إعادة الاعمار

ما هو القانون رقم 10؟ ينص القانون رقم 10 على إنشاء وحدات إدارية محلية في كل منطقة من المناطق التي يسيطر عليها النظام السوري والتي ستكون […]
May 23, 2018

Iraq Special Report on the Parliamentary Elections

Surprising results from Iraq’s May 12 parliamentary elections, in which a coalition backed by Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr came in first place, will rearrange expectations regarding […]
October 24, 2017

Kirkuk on the Brink of War

By Elie Joe Dergham & Ramy Jabbour Following the Kirkuk liberation from ISIS, as well as the Kurdish independence referendum in Iraq, questions were raised on […]
October 17, 2017

مناطق "خفض التصعيد" في سوريا… وعودة اللاجئين

  أظهرت التجارب الدولية فشل المناطق الآمنة في تأمين الحماية للمدنيين الهاربين من العنف خلال النزاعات المسلحة. بيد أن العدد المرتفع للاجئين السوريين في دول الجوار، […]
November 10, 2016

Iraq’s weak Leviathan and the sectarian demon: “the rise” of Christian militias

The much touted Mosul operation against the Islamic State (IS) is in its third week. Composed of Iraqi government troops, Kurdish Peshmerga forces, Turkey-backed Sunni fighters, […]
August 16, 2016

من أبو القعقاع… إلى القاع

July 18, 2016

مرحلةٌ إنتقاليةٌ من دون الأسد… حساباتُ السياسةِ والميدان

February 23, 2016

ما بعد القرار الأممي ٢٢٥٤: عقم الحلول السياسية وتقدم الخيارات العسكرية

November 10, 2015

الثوار السوريون يواجهون الضربات الجوية الروسية في ظل تردد اميركي وانقسام عربي

October 1, 2015

الإتفاق الاميركي-التركي لإقامة منطقة "خالية" من داعش شمال سوريا: تداعياته ومدى انعكاسه على الصراع السوري

May 25, 2015

المصالح الإستراتيجية والتحديات العسكرية لأطراف الصراع في القلمون السورية