Marc-Antoine Rouhana
Marc-Antoine Rouhana holds a bachelor degree in International Relations from the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik. He is currently enrolled in a specialization Master’s Program in Middle Eastern Studies at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milano-Italy. He is writing a thesis on the characteristics, role, as well as local/regional influence of challenging artistic non-State actors (mainly MENA region Rappers) on the ignition and evolution of the Arab Uprisings.
His professional experiences involve working as an intern/volunteer with NGOs and Private companies on a ray of responsibilities ranging from project proposal to project implementation. Furthermore, his versatile multifaceted personal background caused him not to be only interested in politics per se, but on the correlative influence which intrinsically apolitical fields happened to have on politics (namely, arts, psychology, body language, etc.)
Marc-Antoine is currently conducting an internship at the Middle East Institute for Research and Strategic Studies (MEIRSS).