The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the Middle East Institute for Research and Strategic Studies (MEIRSS) published together a policy paper, entitled “Lebanon’s Stability between International Resolutions and Regional Tensions”, authored by Briganier General Khaled Hamade. The study investigates actors and events that are shaping the stability of Lebanon.
Lebanon’s stability has depended on the influence of external powers and actors. Over the past few years, several factors put the fragile balance in Lebanon at stake, notably Hezbollah’s control over the political and economic decision of the Lebanese government, the growing expansionist tendencies of Iran which has led to the involvement of Hezbollah in the Syrian conflict and its full control on the eastern borders, and the emergence of Russia as a regional player dominating the military decision in Syria and on the path of political settlement. The future of Lebanese stability especially its internal and border security, the fragile domestic balance, the international financial support, and its future role in a changing regional system, will always remain critical if foreign interference persists.
The policy paper is analyzing these external factors and events, which have an impact on the stability of Lebanon. The author offers a short overview over past events and the role different actors played in the formation and development of Lebanon. Subsequently, the study analyzes current actors and events like Gulf countries, Iran and Russia, the conflict in Syria and the Paris Joint statement.
The policy paper is available in English and Arabic.